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ABOVE: JOHN TRISTRAM who will turn 26 shortly after this issue of PP leaves the press, is 5'7 168 lbs, waist is 30.75 loose but pulls in to 27, 5, arm cold 16, forearm 13, neck 16, chest 39. 5/ 44, 5 thigh 22, 5, calve 16, ankle 9, wrist 7.25. John was raised on a farm and rode a bike a great deal over the hilly English countryside (Gloucester) all of which gave him an excellent foundation for bodybuilding. But it has taken intensive hard work to build the fine physique he has today. He rarely trains less than four nights a week and 2 1/2 hrs is a typical workout. While he will take out a moment to advise a beginning bodybuilder, he concentrates heavily during is training and wastes little time. Though he presently works with a travel bureau, he is eager to become a full-time writer. As we went to press, plans were being made to do a physique. film with John and it will be announced in our next issue.


Physique Pictorial

Winter 1958 issue (but released March 1959)

Number 8

SUBSCRIPTIONS: Physique Pictorial is published 4 times each year by AMG 1834 W 11th St. Los Angeles 6, California. 1 year first class $1.75, 2 yrs $3.50 in U.S. By 3rd class open flap $2. 60 anywhere. Foreign countries please add 50¢ a year if first class mailing is desired. Both classes are sent in a plain envelope, with return address but no return name. BACK ISSUES: Volume 5 (4 issues) Vol. 63 issues), Vol 7 (4 issues), & Vol 8 (4 issues) Price 434 ea issue by 1st class ml. ADVERTISING: No paid advertising accepted. Price information of contributors to PP is given without charge. EUROPEAN REPRESENTATIVES: GREAT BRITAIN: Dominique Suite 35 A 119 Oxford st. London W 1 ENGLAND John Valentine 23 Deanswood drive, Moortown Leeds England. HOLLAND: Cultuur-en-Ontspanningcentrum Postbus 542 Amsterdam, FRANCE: Edy Silvian 39 rue Sainte Anne, I Chris Denning Box 6143 Frankfurt(main).


MAN ON THE COVER: JOHN TRISTRAM (see information at top)

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MAN ON THE BACK COVER RICHARD DU BOIS (information in many back issues of PP) Do we print him too much?


ARE YOU SUFFERING FROM MAL NUTRITION WITHOUT KNOWING IT? No, we dont want to sell you any pills or supplements--in fact these often have an adverse effect in that they give you false confidence. You cannot balance your diet simply by taking a super-vitamin pill and Joe Blow's protein supplement each day--nutrition is far more complex. Yet you dont need to be a college professor to eat sensibly--many of them dont! For the average person a daily portion of milk and/ or other dairy products, green and yellow vegetables raw and cooked, fruits, meat or meat substitute, and grain products, will give the basic food parts needed for optimum nutrition. Delicacies and desserts in moderation do little or no harm ordinarily, but should be eaten only after needed foods have been eaten,

It was once mistakenly taught that there was a basic nutritional element in all food that would supply all the needs for sus taining life. But the person who makes a meal of a bottle of pop, a candy bar and a hot dog may eventually learn to his regret that all foods are not the same. Our mistrained appetitles will not always direct us to eat the foods our body cells crave. Most of us tend to be satisfied as long as we can get something that is sweet enough or fatty enough. Unfortunately many of the foods we need may be rather bland in flavor and unless prepared by an excellent cook cannot easily compete with the more easily preserved foods which lack one of the most essential nutritional requirements: Freshness.

Eating nutritionally well does not necessarily mean eating expensively. The cheapest hamburger (when the fat is cooked out) gives you as much protein as the most choice steak, Non-fat milk which has only the fat removed gives you all the benefits of whole milk except butter fat (at 1/2 the cost), and the cheapest margerine provides you with necessary fat. Shreaded Wheat, the cheapest of the cold breakfast cereals has just as much value as the fancy hubrids, and of course cooked cereals can cost even less. You owe it to yourself to study nutrition--you cant get the whole story in bit articles like this. Dont be mislead by fad diets, or by ridiculous claims of pill sellers. Don't let yourself "starve" on a full stomach !




Above: JOHN TRISTRAM and FORRESTER DORLAC. From the moment this pair first met at AMG Studios, they became fast friends, found they shared many of the same interests. We consider them one of the finest dual teams we have been able to present in many years. Six catalog pages are offered of them in Catalog X2-13 (904) and more are planned when Forrester returns from a visit in the East.

We an interesting movie of the two of them, but Eastman Kodak claims they lost the originals along with two reels of Wayne Hunt which we sent in at the same time. Photos by AMG 1834 W 11th st L. A, 6, Calif.